Serving Others – MLK Day of Service for Los Angeles

“Life’s most persistent and urgent question is: ‘What are you doing for others?'”

– Martin Luther King, Jr.

Martin Luther King, Jr. Day — “MLK Day” — is coming up here in the United States. Every third Monday in January, our country has a holiday observing Dr. King’s life of service. MLK Day is a national day of service, coined “A Day On, Not a Day Off,” where Americans are called to volunteer and serve others.

I love this day, n0t only because we honor MLK’s life, but because it is a day highlighting service — a core value of mine. Service guides my life, my career, and how I raise my children. I want to raise my children to serve so that they may have a proper, hopefully selfless perspective — to get their eyes off themselves and to look for ways to show love through service. I want them to always ask, “How can we help? How can we serve? How can we give?” (more…)

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Busy Working Mom? 10 Books to Help Bring Order to the Chaos

As my life has gotten fuller and busier as a wife, mother, and attorney, I found that the only reading I was doing was for work or occasionally a Christian book. I used to read for pleasure, but that seemed like a far off ideal, a pastime that belonged to a more carefree version of…

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Our Move to California – 5 Years Later

Happy New Year, Y’all! I love this time of year because we all seem to enter into a season to pause, pray to seek God’s direction for 2025 and the years to come, and to reflect on the year(s) before. As I reflect on years past, I can’t help but feel thankful and content that…

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