Dairy-Free Life Part 3: Dinner – Shrimp Curry with Quick Naan

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I spent this week sharing some of my favorite dairy-free dinner recipes. These recipes put the tips I shared in Part 1 and the dairy-free alternatives in Part 2 together to help you on your own dairy-free journey. For me, I turned to the dairy-free life for the sake of my baby. You may share the same motivation or just want to try something new. In any case, I know these recipes will help you jump into a cuisine free of dairy.

Today’s recipe is a wonderful finale to my dairy-free dinner course review, and I think I saved the best for last. It’s Shrimp Curry with Quick Naan. This dish involves flavorful curry with a hint of spice, succulent shrimp, and naan without yeast. Without yeast, this naan cooks up in the oven in about 10 minutes. I have found that using Silk Original Almond milk taste better. If you can find nigella seeds, feel free to toss them into your naan dough. In any case, this dish is ready pretty quickly, leaving you enough time to savor it with your family. Enjoy!

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